We have various events, workshops, classes and Yoga trainings offered throughout the globe by our team, which are continously raising further funds for our ongoing projects.
Nalanie Chelleram, the founder of SIS is continously raising funds through her talks and trainings on the Yoga philosophy.
After covereing travel expenses, all profits are donated back into our projects.
For latest News
Please see our Facebook newsfeed is pleased host a new initiative bringing spiritual wisdom for free to all who seek it. Have a spiritual question? Get clear answers to life’s big questions via the new website: Drawing from Yoga teachings and the perennial wisdom, features “Ask Undoism” – a real-time question-and-answer option.
“Undoism” (trademark pending) is a term coined in 1973 by Swami Satchidananda that summarizes the practical spiritual approach he taught in order to undo everything that seems to veil or disturb our essential nature of peace and happiness.
“We can’t get peace and happiness by doing something. It’s time to undo all we have done to disturb our essential nature of peace and happiness.” –Swami Satchidananda
Divine Grace by Nalanie Chelleram
All book sales go to supporting Service in Satchidananda's projects.
Sponsored by Acorn Press - Swindon, UK
Deep gratitude to Patrick and Jennie Crouch
for making this project possible
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throughout Europe