SIS is working closely with Hari Bhandary from Nepal who has been serving his community ever since he was a young boy. He is responsible for bringing sanitation, clinics, clean water, schools, medical camps and orphanages to over nine villages near Meghauli.
Earthquake proof houses in the Gorkha region
In the foothills of the Himalaya’s in the Gorkha region of Nepal many houses were destroyed in the 2015 earthquake.
Many of the small houses in these areas were built by hand, few were created with strong foundations, and thus thousands are left homeless. With poor infrastructure to reach these populations it is important to improve the overall living situations before disease from exposure and poor sanitary conditions can decimate a population.
This is currently one of SIS’s main projects, to focus on raising funds to rebuild these homes. The buildings are progressing, but more funds are needed. Since the earthquake in April 2015, SIS has donated 10000€ to give people in the mountains a home.
Through the help of Nepali and international engineers and architects, these homes are being developed with the minimum materials necessary to construct earthquake safe foundations. From there local populations can restore their homes long term.
In January 2016, Nalanie Chellaram (founder of SIS), Marina Nadal (founder of Vida Util) and Les Roberts ( founder of AKIN), went to visit Nepal to see how the works were coming along and to bring more funding.

Aasha Ko Kiran Children's Home
The Aasha ko Kiran Children’s Home in Daldale, Chitwan was founded 10 years ago, starting with just 7 children in one small room. Now it is a happy home to 52 youngsters, ranging from ages 4 to 16.
The focus for the children includes: lessons in daily living, health and hygiene promotion - both in Nepali and English, following the Montessori programme of education, taught to the kindergartens teachers by volunteer visiting international professionals. Each day one hot meal is provided for every child; parents are encouraged to supply the ingredients for their own child’s meal in order to establish family involvement in the project.
There are now a total of 72 children (47 girls and 25 boys) were taught by 5 childcare providers.
Since 2010, SIS has donated over 15000€.
SIS has funded the following:
A farm to enable them to be self sufficient
A laundry room
Purchased an Industrial washing machine
New computer desks and chairs
New clothes and shoes for all the children
Vida Util / SIS plan to support and raise funds to:
Build bungalows for underprivileged women
Support adolescents after finishing school with sponsorships or grants.
Build a classroom for young adults to learn professional skills, such as sewing, cooking, computer technology, recycle goods; maybe open a bakery to give them their first job, etc.
Introduce children to yoga and meditation.