In the spirit of service SIS carried out 100 GOOD DEEDS as a legacy and a tribute to Sri Swami Satchidananda's centenary (100th birth anniversary) in 2014.
The good deeds included eye operations to restore the sight of partially sighted or near blind children, and the provision of artificial limbs to special needs children who are victims of landmines, illness or birth defects. This also included educational sponsorships/scholarships to deserving students who demonstrate the right qualities and abilities to make positive contributions to humanity, and ad hoc donations to deserving projects that will enhance or provide educational or healthcare facilities to needy children in developing countries.
An association for special needs children based in Estepona. It has facilities for early intervention (physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy) for children with special needs between the ages of 0-4, and these services are provided by the State.
It is a centre for Special Educational Needs and looks after children of school age.
At the moment they have 2 approved classes with a total of 21 students. They also have an Occupational Centre which can fit up to 100 people and a Day Unit, where they look after people who are severely affected, from the age of 16. SIS donated 1000€ in July 2010 to buy seat belts for their bus.
2. Fundation Bastion Bergese Cancer, Spain
The Foundation consists of a team of two doctors, a psychologist and a physiotherapist. They are based in the province of Malaga where they offer their services free. They travel to the homes of the patients that are incapable of moving or those who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. They offer psychological as well as physical help in the way of medications and pain killers. There are months where they visit over 75 patients from Manilva to Fuengirola!! The doctors are extremely dedicated, full of compassion and give great solace to the patients and their families.
SIS donated 1000€ to the foundation in August 2010.
3. SIS Educational Scholarship
SIS Educational Scholarship Program was pleased to make a grant of US$1,000 available to Purnima to enable her to fulfil her calling: To serve the world with love and dedication ‘in the Spirit of Satchidananda’.
Click here to read more.
4. Regent School Refurbishment Project in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa
Regent School Refurbishment Project in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa
It is one of the poorest countries in Africa and as such depends heavily on overseas aid.
SIS has donated £1000 to AKIN (Association for Kids in Need) in September 2010.
5. Two Hundred Eye operations, Coimbatore, India
A very generous donor has kindly funded 200 eye operations at the Sankara Eye Hospital in Coimbatore. These operations were done on SIS's visit to India in January 2011.
37 Million people in the world are blind, 12 million are in India, 300,000 are children. India has the most blind people in the world. Each eye operation costs between 15-18€.
6. Five heart bypass surgeries, India
SIS has been donated monies for 5 heart bypass surgeries in India.
Currently we have a team in India researching where is the best place to do this and to find people from the poor villages that really can't afford this.
Each operation is around 50,000rupees (800€)
7. SIS Wisdom Offerings
SIS Wisdom Offerings, a disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda is financing the printing of 6 or Sri Gurudev's books and the 4-volume set of the Nuri Granth by Sadhu Vaswani and SIS will be distributing these books to the libraries of prisons, hospitals and old peoples homes based in the USA and United Kingdom. To view the selection of SIS Wisdom Offerings click here.
8. Folsom Prison Project
Folsom Prison Outreach, USA Opened in 1880, Folsom is the second-oldest prison in the state of California and was one of the first maximum security prisons in the United States.
SIS is happy to announce that we have donated The Living Gita books to Foldsom Prison Outreach program as part of the Satchidananda Prison Project. We are grateful to be part of this project and wish Vina and all the prisoners well. Read more.
9. Integral Yoga Gibraltar - FLAG DAY
SIS raised funds for Alzheimer's and Dementia Support group
Members of The Integral Yoga Centre, Nalanie Chellaram, Paddy Alcantara, Lillian Shaw and Jasmine Viagas, presented a cheque to Jimmy Felices of the Alzheimer's and Dementia Support group with a cheque was for just over £1,000. October 2010
10. David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Kenya, Africa
A donation was made by SIS to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
Projects include the raising of orphaned elephants and rhinos and rehabilitating them back into the wild once grown, antipoaching teams, mobile field veterinary units, environmental rehabilitation along with community outreach programs, and support for the Kenyan Wildlife Service.
To view information regarding the many projects of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust please visit: www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org SIS donation was made October 2010
11. The Cheshire Home - Lar da Boa Vontade, Carcavelos, Portugal
The Cheshire Home - Lar da Boa Vontade , Carcavelos, Portugal
They house 32 handicapped people from underprivileged homes. They only take people from the age of 18 to 45, but as no one has anywhere else to go once they become 45, they stay until the end of their lives.
It is therefore important to create a homely and happy atmosphere, and our contribution will go towards improving some of the residents rooms.
Ulla Rapazote from Estoril, Portugal raised 450€ in December 2010 from evening talks that she arranges in her home.
12. Patas Errantes, Terrugem, Portugal
An asylum for abandoned and/or maltreated dogs. They care for the animals with much love, and give them all the necessary medical attention, sterilising the females, vaccinate, put chips in their ears, feed them and try to find GOOD adoptive families.
They live off donations totally, have no help from any state entity. Right now 60 dogs. Last year they found 192 and managed to find homes for 100.
Ulla Rapazote from Estoril, Portugal raised 235€ in December 2010 from evening talks that she arranges in her home December 2010.
13. Free Yoga Classes to children in Homeless Shelters, Florida, USA
The YWCA Family Village, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Integral Yoga teacher Harini Lender is offering a free weekly "Kidding Around Yoga" class (based on Integral Yoga) for children of all ages who live in this transitional homeless shelter.
14. Melrose Elementary School, Free Yoga Classes, Florida USA
Melrose Elementary School, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Integral Yoga teacher Harini Lender is offering a free weekly "Kidding Around Yoga" class (based on Integral Yoga) at Melrose Elementary for children who attend this inner city public school.
15. Free Yoga Classes for Military Veterans, NYC, USA
Yoga for Vets NYC offers free classes at the Integral Yoga Institute of New York. Yoga for Vets started in July 2008 as a service for New York City veterans. Founded by Anu Bhagwati (a former Marine), the program is designed specifically for veterans dealing with injuries or trauma, but every veteran is welcome, regardless of age, era or experience. Classes are small enough to give attention to individual students who may be dealing with specific injuries, challenges or disabilities. For info on the veterans program visit http://www.yogaforvetsnyc.org
16. Free Yoga Classes for Homeless Women
Free Yoga classes for formerly homeless women, IYI, New York, USA
Integral Yoga Institute of New York has been part of the First Step Program of the Coalition for the Homeless for four years. We provide free Yoga and meditation classes to women who are coming out of homelessness by moving into stable housing and learning job skills.
17. Peraliya English School, Sri Lanka
Peraliya English School, AKIN's Sri Lanka ProjectThe village Peraliya was badly hit by the catastrophic Tsunami on the 26th of December 2004 and the kids of the village lost all their belongings, some also lost their beloved parents. http://akincharity.org/sltsunami.html Integral Yoga Gibraltar donated over 300€ in December 2010.
18. Donation to Poor Families in Spain and Gibraltar
Integral Yoga Centre, Gibraltar had their Christmas Satsang on 15th December 2010 and raised over 300€ to give to poor families. December 2010.
19. Pirilampos & Gaivota Home, Albufeira, Portugal
Pirilampos is for young children and Gaivota is for teenagers and are both part of Sta Casa Da Misericordia De Albufeira which also includes Lar Sao Vicente, Roseiral and Casa Da Paz. The orphanage receives very little from the government, so they are in constant need of support. Luckshmi - Lucy Cannon, gives Charity Yoga Classes every Tuesday at Quinta da Calma, the money received is saved up until there is enough to give to a local project in need. In January 2011 SIS donated 650€, plus a computer was donated to the Sta Casa da Misericordia.
20. Centro de Apoio Social do Pisão, Alcabideche, Portugal
SIS donated much needed underwear and socks for 340 mentally handicapped men and womenwho live permanently in this institution from the age of 18. Each month 17,000 kilos of clothes are washed as many of the residents need to have up to 5 - 6 changes per day.
February 2011
21. Integral Yoga, Cornwall Retreat
In November 2010, Janaki - Jennie Macdonald from IY Swindon arranged a Yoga retreat at her place in Cornwall. There was no charge for the hire of her place, yoga teachers and staff gave all of their time voluntary. Nalanie Harilela Chellaram lead the retreat, with guest speakers, Richard Mason and Siva Trezfer. After covering all costs IY Swindon donated £400 to SIS that was taken to India for our projects there. In addition they paid for one of the volunteers from the retreat to do a Doula Training in London.
22. Maria Raposa donated photographs, books and T-Shirts to SIS
Maria Raposa, a very well know Interior designer in Portugal has kindly made a donation of her beautifully framed photographs of India, books and t-shirts.
These items are available to buy on a donation basis through Luckshmi. Please email for more details or call +351 91 922 9289